If you are reading this, chances are good that you have a smartphone nearby. Which means you can probably look at its mirror right now. So go ahead and take a look at yourself and notice what first strikes you first about how you look—do your eyebrows draw attention to your eyes? Is there an unsightly gap between them? A neat set of groomed henna tinted brows can go such a long way toward improving our appearance! Here are some important facts about eyebrows (and this isn't just an issue with women!). People spend so much time grooming their eyebrows. Have you wondered why? The answer is simple—eyebrows define our entire face! And they can change your whole look! Eyebrows make a statement about who we are, what we care about, and how much time we dedicate in taking care of ourselves. They keep your eyes from looking droopy, they help us convey emotions more easily, they add balance to your features—and finally, beautifully bold eyebrows just look awesome! In this blog post ...
Mina Ibrow henna provides you organic henna for tinting eyebrows that gives a perfect look. Ibrow henna is made up with 100% organic henna.